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Among the services offered at GT Herb's Care are Iridology, which detect health problems through iris analysis, Kinesology, Acupuncture which will be able to help patients with various disorders and EQ & IQ Test.


First time customers are advised to contact our clinic GT Herbs Care to arrange an appointment for check up before making any purchase for our medication.  Contact details are provided in the respective section.


Detecting health problems through iris analysis for example colestrol level in blood (high blood pressure), Sugar level in blood and its' causes (diabetes), Heart problem, internal organs health problems (liver, lungs, kidneys etc.), tumors and cancer, depression, athma etc.



Discover individual's personality through uscle testing, massage, Cevical, vetebra Mobilizatin therapy (CVMT) etc.



Although best known for the control of pain, acupuncture benefits a wide variety of disorders. Respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, common cold, bronchitis and asthma can be effectively treated with acupuncture. â€‹


​EQ & IQ Test

Emotional Quotient (EQ) test is a way to measure how a person recognizes emotions in himself or herself and others, and manages these emotional states to work better as a group or team. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test is a value that indicates a person's ability to learn, understand, and apply information and skills in a meaningful way.

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